My Open Marriage

25 May








I took a minute, a minute to reflect on life.
A heart that keeps on giving, a beautiful lovely wife.
Some people wonder, how is it we live.
It’s based off of trust and honesty, being able to give.
Happiness to another, not a possession to control.
And no it’s not about numbers, rather a connection at the soul.
It’s not for everyone, I’m actually to burnt to lie.
I’d rather keep it open honest and real, cause I am that guy.
Live with a smile, they are actually contagious.
Some openly embrace, others think it’s outrageous.
I am always happy, can always see the brighter side.
It’s something about honesty, no worries if they lied.
Balance and respect, communication is the key.
I took a minute to reflect, sitting by the sea.
Times have changed, always be excepting of another.
love the life you live, and love thy brother.
Gay straight or bi, everyone has the right to live.
Life to me is about happiness, with karma you get what you give.

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